Google Access Transparency is a service available in GCP and G-Suite that allows organisations to view logs pertaining to resource access by Google support staff. There are many reasons why Google might access your resources, for example in response to support requests, to investigate whether an issue seen elsewhere is present in your environment or to verify compliance with their terms and conditions. The service is only available to organisations that meet the following criteria:

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Recently, I had to change the certificate for this site to include the naked domain ( in addition to the subdomains. The site is hosted in S3 and exposed to the internet via cloudfront with the TLS certificate provided by Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM). All of this made generating a new certificate and swapping it in pretty straight forward. Below were the steps I took: Create the new certificate through Amazon certificate manager (ACM) with the relevant domains and subdomains Request a public certificate Choose validation method.

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As a first post on this shiny new blog, I thought a guide on creating and hosting a blog would be appropriate. The idea is to detail the steps I went through in generating this blog and hosting it on AWS. Hopefully, someone else might find this useful. This blog was created using Hugo, a static site generator written in Go. Content such as this blog post is written in markdown, which hugo converts to static pages and applies the author’s chosen theme.

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Author's picture

Colman Mbuya

Notes for future me

Security Consultant

South Africa